Staying Ahead of the Curve
Ways to set yourself and your farm operation apart
The agriculture industry moves fast. It is also an industry that has one of the largest impacts on mankind. Many producers would also agree the agricultural industry is a stressful one and the main component of the stress is the unknown of the things producers across the planet can not control. To add on to those factors, family dynamics play an impactful role in agriculture.
In the next 20 years, the United States Department of Agriculture estimates more than 500,000 farmers will transition off the farm looking at the next generation or other successors to take over. These new head operators will have to think and farm differently as the agricultural industry continues to shift and grow. The best option for these farmers is to already start thinking about getting and staying ahead of the curve.
How can farmers stay ahead of the curve?
Become a life-long learner. It’s a natural ability within farmers to seek out information. To know more is to do more independently. Farmers are diversified and depend on their abilities to learn and complete a daily multitude of tasks. Catching up on your reading list, listening to podcasts, and attending webinars are just a few ways to continue to learn more and broaden your horizons on opportunities in agriculture. Continue to take the opportunity to learn more. For some great suggestions, check out our LinkedIn or Twitter accounts!
Seek advice from experts. When we talk about the speed of the industry, there is an added benefit in establishing a team of trusted advisors that are experts in different sectors of the industry. That could be anything from an agronomist to a market expert, an attorney or even a real estate agent. Establishing your trusted advisors can help in many aspects of your farming operation.
Capitalize on technologies. We all know agriculture would not be where it is today without technology. Developments in genetics, plant breeding, and equipment have all helped us achieve the increasing yields seen by farmers around the world growing different crops, including Dryland’s proso millet. Technology is a must when trying to stay ahead of the curve.
Be curious about where the industry is headed. Find sources and ways to study trends in agriculture. Think about things you are curious about in the industry. Do your research or ask experts about topics that you want to know more about. Be intentional about tracking down the information you want to know.
Engage in the industry. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and try new things. Meet new people who may have a different outlook or mindset and challenge your way of thinking. Consider attending industry events and conferences. We know firsthand how busy farmers are, but you’ll often find these events and the networking opportunities they bring are time well spent.
Craig Anderson, Dryland Genetics Chief Operations Officer, talking to farmers in Colorado about the opportunities with proso millet.
At Dryland Genetics, we also believe the new proso millet varieties we have breed -- and continue to develop and improve -- can help you stay ahead of the curve. Proso is an ancient grain that has been grown by farmers around the globe for thousands of years. Our breeding program is setting a new industry standard for agronomics and yield potential for proso millet.
If withstanding drought, reducing nitrogen fertilizer applications, and having a crop with the flexibility for multiple uses all sound like positives to you, adding proso acres to your operation could give you that leg up you have been looking for.
To learn more about proso millet and our changing climate read this blog. For more information on how other farmers have integrated proso millet into their operations and how you can too, click here.